Terms and definition of yarn number sysytem

           Yarn numbering system  

 Yarn count - Count is numrical expresion ,which is determine the fineness and corseness .It also define as yarn is  thick and thin.A definition given by textile institute,"count number is indicate the weight per unit lenght or lengthy per unit weight "

Count = Weight /length

There are two   of yarn numbering system
1.Indirect  number system -English cotton
                                     Count ,metric count
2.Direct number system  - Tex ,Denier

1.Indirect number - In this system length  unit weight .In this system weight is constant and length is variable .Yarn thickness is indirectly proportional to yarn number . Higher the count finer the yarn ,vice versa .In this system more use in cotton and worested industry .There are two example English cotton count (Ne),Metric count (Nm) ,Worested, linen count ,woollen count

English cotton count (Ne)= Number of hanks each of 840 yard weighing in 1 pound it is known as english cotton count io

Ne = length in yds ×1 pound
          840 yds × weights in pound

Metric count (Nm)= number of hanks each of 1000 meter weighing in1 kg  .It is knowns as metric count  or  no of length  1 k.m yarn weighing in 1 k g   .It is denoted by NM .

Nm = Length in meter ×1kg
            1000m× Weight in kg
Worested count =  number of hanks each of 560 yard weighing in 1 pound (lb)

 Worested = length in yard ×1 pound

                         840 yds × weight in lb.                   

Linen count  = No of hanks each of 300 yard weighing in 1 pound

Linen = length in yard × 1 pound
               300 yard × weight in lb

 Direct numbering system = In this system weight per unit length .Length is fixed and weight is variable .Yarn thickness ( diameter ) is directly proportional to yarn number .Finer the count lower the number
Examples Tex ,denier

Tex = weight in gram of 1000 meter

Tex =   1000 meter× weight in gram
           1 gm × length in meter

Denier = weight in gram of 9000 meter

Denier = 9000m × weight in gram
                 1gm × length in meter


  1. Very good article. Keep posting. It is more useful if you put table of relation of all numbering system.


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