Jet Weaving Machines
Jet Weav ing Machine - In this machines, weft yarn fed through the main nozzle is transported through the warp shed by the momentum imparted to it by jet of air or water blasting out of the nozzle . Functional El ements of Jet looms - - Weft feeding devices - weft accumulator , tensioners and stopper. - Main nozzle - Air guides and relay nozzles (only for air jet loom) - Suction funnel for air jet looms and water collecting arrangement for water jet looms. - Weft feeler - Air distribution Unlike in case of other shuttleless weaving machines, the length of the weft yarn to be inserted need to be measured accurately in each weft insertion cycle in jet weaving machines , because of the lack of physical control over it is not weft insertion process. Basically ,weft yarn measured by rotating feed rollers and stored in a storage tube before feeding or is wound on the accumulator drum . ...